Nov 16, 2007

Nevada vs Hawaii Pregame Post

Dude, the internet freaks me out sometimes. I'm getting ready to write a short blurb about anticipating the game tonight, and in the process I do a quick search for some info. I Google 'Nevada vs Hawaii' and I click on a link for Yahoo's Upcoming. Okay, fine. But then I look to the right and I see in attendance Ryan Jerz. Recently, I invited Ryan to speak at an ad club luncheon, with others, on Web 2.0. As part of the Web 2.0 speaker selection process, I began to do a ton of research on Web 2.0. and really started to feel the geek inside me start to stand erect. I had one of those 2001 A Space Odyssey moments... dun duuuuunnnnn.... DUN dun DUN dun DUUUU. (I still don't understand why I can't listen to sounds clips on Wikipedia). Anyway, the point of all this is, just the mere coincidence of seeing Ryan's group on Yahoo randomly has made me rethink this Web 2.0 community we're living in now. You don't just randomly run into people online, you run in networks. Your moving around looking for things and you bump into other people and I'm finding it to be pretty cool actually.

Alright, off of that and on to this. It's pre-game. The NEVADA football game is tonight vs undefeated Hawaii. We have a great record against Hawaii, so tonight could be the big upset. It's going to be cold out there, and Hawaii is a sheltered bunch of women. Yeah, yeah I made a feminist joke. Call Phil Jackson for my appology. I got my thermos, puffy jacket and custom Wolfpack hat (in the shape of a wolf's head). I stole it from the Wall. I'm ready! GO PACK!

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