Nov 10, 2007

The Bryan Mcardle/Nate Coats Birthday Experience

Most of the gang got together last night to celebrate the aging of two great guys. I've known both of these gents for a few years now, and have celebrated their birthdays independently, but never in tandem. I think it worked out well. I always like the conglomerate birthday because you generally get a larger and more diverse group, which makes for big fun.

We generally do a dinner for the birthdays - as I think most people do. This night we ate Sushi. In attendance were Bryan and his girlfriend Michelle, Tyler, Chris, Matt, Nate and girlfriend Beth, finally, Todd. Todd was the wildcard here - he drove all the way down from Incline Village, needing some MANTIME as he just broke up with his lady of many months. Todd is like the Autobahn and I think she was driving a Honda Accord. Here are some photos from dinner. Nothing of note happened except overeating, a few choice jokes (I told a sushi joke - I asked the guy for a Godzilla Handroll) and some good conversation.

(from top : me and T-Bone, Bryan and Michelle, Quail Egg Shooters, Todd gives the all go, Matt and Nate, Chris points with choppers)

Our next stop was the bowling alley. We've started bowling again as the weather turns colder. We've been a few times in the last few weeks, and I think I'm finally at the point where I need my own ball and shirt to seal the deal. It won't make me bowl better, but it will put the pressure on to act like I know what the hell I'm doing.

Because this was a birthday celebration - shit got a little, well, fun. The group at large bowled about three games. A few of us die hards went on to bowl a total of five games. Basically we shut the place down - pretty standard procedure for this crew.

(from top Todd plays some competitive sports, Vern throws the domestic violence ball, Nate in action, Nate impressed with himself )

Of note: because Todd is the Autobahn, he has few limits. Drinking is one of them. I give you... a pint of Jager!

Good night sweet prince.

1 comment:

David LaPlante said...

Hahaha! Good times. Great post. Glad to see you're not workin' so hard you can;t enjoy this killer little city. Hope to run in to you soon! Glad you;re in the local blogo-flava!