Jun 14, 2008

The Happening

It ain't happening. Let me just say, this movie had some potential. Had all the classic sort of early 80's horror schtick going, pretty decent plot line and some attractive people. But an hour or better in, we've got no big scare payoffs. More scary innuendo, more goofy character confusion but no little girl shaking in a corner, jump out of your chair, holy S I think I just P'd the seat. Turns out there's no payoff to this cheese flick. Let me reiterate: NO ENDING.
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Daniel Sorenson said...

You so popped my bubble with your review, I've been waiting for months for this movie, you ruined Christmas!


Mike said...

I hate fliks w/o endings. they suck donkey balls. Like that POS no cuntry for old men.

Your twitter review was awesome.
