Apr 8, 2008

Voting For Obama

Not gonna write much here; just blurting out that I'm voting for the black dude. Besides the charismatic upside, I just feel like he has an intuitive, political savvy that no one else is offering. He voted NO on this stupid war where most went along and he separates himself from the pack in that regard. I don't think they sell that point enough. I myself bought the shit farm when they were coming around with the deeds. I wish I could go back and look as smart as this man.

Let me just get all Andy Rooney on you -

"I like Obama because he plays basketball. You never see George Bush play basketball. He's short and bowlegged. (New camera angle.) Maybe he did, but never showed up for the games. (Shrugs) Probably too busy looking up girls dresses under the bleachers while guys like Barack were out getting rebounds and saying no to unnecessary wars. I wish more guys were like that now-a-days. Less talk, more Barack. Here's some campaign buttons I like...

This one says Half Honkey - All Donkey. We've got a full ass in there now.

This one's Bros Before Hoes. Bill obviously doesn't subscribe to that theory.

Good ol' Tits and Ass on this one. I wonder where the tits are?

This one is in reference to a rap song...

"...I just love that Jay-Z shit. Hit me."

Andy Rooney will return next week with another edition of 60 Minutes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna use that bros before hos line...
