Nov 25, 2008

Nevada vs Boise St.

Small, Smart & Scrappy Agency Rule #1: Respect It

I just got this note from a vendor I have been working with. We have an immense amount of respect for our clients and in turn that means we have an immense amount of respect for our reps and vendors. We don't treat these people like 2nd Class Citizens... we treat them like first mates on the Love Boat.

When I get notes like this is reinforces Rule #1. When you earn the respect of those you collaborate with, it creates a better product for the client and life is easier all the way around. And it makes it easier to be a giant killer.

"Got your check today - you are the greatest client ever. I didn't even have to hunt you down for payment. I've been trying to collect {a very small amount} from {insert giant local agency} for {a few} months! Screw those big agencies! Looking forward to working with you again."

So, hey, all you 'big agency' people out there need to remember something...the Small, Smart & Scrappy agencies are making the rules.

#1: Respect it.

Nov 17, 2008

Good shot from Mike Henderson

Originally uploaded by i am indisposed
He took this riding Amtrak from SLC to RNO - this was taken in Winnemucca.